Jerrod Brown “JB” , also know as JB Bassmaster to the fishing world, grew up fishing for bass with his grandfather all over Florida. In jr high and high school Jerrod could be found fishing with his friends in orange groves, cow pastures, and mining pits in and around Winter Haven,FL. After joining the Army, Jerrod was sent off to fight in operation Desert Storm (The Gulf War). After getting out of the army Jerrod moved to Orlando. It was here that he rekindled his LOVE for bass fishing. Competing in bass tournaments has brought him many close friendships. Learning from his fellow competitors and sharing information has improved his fishing exponentially. The thrill of competition and the cerebral approach to successfully locating and catching bass is an obsession that grows by the day. JB also loves to get out on the blue water and saltwater fish with his friends he’s met threw a mutual love for fishing .
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